Announcing the release of credibility badges

June 25, 2019
Today we're excited to announce credibility badges, revamped comments, and optional notifications.
Announcing the release of credibility badges

TLDR: Blind voting is still a concern for many of us who have been using Poll Sports. When receiving votes on your polls it would be ideal to know exactly who is voting and the level of influence for that particular vote. Poll Sports has just introduced a credibility score that each user can build by providing thoughtful comments and commentary on why they voted a certain way.

  • Vote = 1 point

  • Comment = 5 points

  • Visit = 10 points (You can earn max of 1 visit per day)

  • Upvote = 10 points

  • Comment Award = 100 points

These 5 stat categories get summed together to arrive at a credibility score which then determines your badge.

  • Rookie badge: Create an account

  • Sophomore badge > 1K cred score

  • Captain badge > 2.5K cred score

  • Veteran badge > 5K cred score

  • All-Pro badge > 10K cred score

  • Hall of Famer badge > 20K cred score

  • Legend badge > 40K cred score

Accuracy percentages for how you voted on polls is also in the works. For example, if you vote on a “Who Do I Start?” or “Who Do I Stream?” poll, after the week is over, Poll Sports will retroactively calculate if you voted on the right option and then this accuracy factors into your credibility score.

The end goal is to have accuracy on polls get weighted the most heavily towards a users credibility score.

A lot of work goes into building out a system to support credibility for making smart calls. This release is just the first step into that work in progress. To start out though, I’m hoping that by placing most of the weight on the “Top Comment Award” that is given by the poll creator (100 points), this will help steer away from credibility through hive mind.

The bigger vision for credibility badges is to make it something that fantasy content creators can show off and point to. A form of bragging rights. Anyone who writes articles, blogs, or podcasts around fantasy football can link to their credibility on Poll Sports as a way to further cement their credibility as an expert. Hopefully by creating a platform that rewards smart analysis, Poll Sports can attract more of these bright minds to offer up their thoughtful commentary and advice for regular dudes like myself.

The intention of this post is to gauge the communities thoughts on this new feature and continue to evolve the concept. If you have any concrete ideas or feedback for how to incorporate a more legitimate credibility system (other than accuracy on polls) please let me know :)

Summary of what else is included in this release:

Revamped Comments

  • Poll creator can give a “Top Comment” award to the comment that they find most helpful.

  • Nested comments so you can reply directly to someone

  • Upvote and downvote comments

  • Edit & Delete comments

Credibility Badges & User pages

  • Designation for active and thoughtful users

  • This badge is displayed next to your username when you vote or if your profile page is visited.

  • The badge currently is not displayed next to your comments. A comment should stand on its own merit and not be influenced by what badge someone has.

Optional notifications

  • Opt-in for browser based notifications on desktop and Android. Poll Sports will never spam your email.

  • Receive a notification when:

  • Comments on a poll you created.

  • Poll creator gives your comment an award.

  • Someone replies directly to one of your comments

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